History 232—TuTh 3:10PM - 5:15PM
Spring 2012
Section 002
CRN 30120

Music Building 114
Office: Faculty
Towers 201A
Instructor: Dr. Brett Schmoll
Office Hours: Tues
and Thu 11:35-2:35

Tuesday, May 29, 2012


I. (50%) Multiple Choice: 25 of 27
These questions will be taken from class lectures since the last exam.

II. (50%) Essay:
This essay is different from the one you just wrote because you will not have an outline or other materials with you.
It is similar because you will be choosing from one of the following questions. You choose one and prepare that question.
You should still make an outline and memorize it. You may not bring the outline into the exam. You should, however, refer often to readings or class notes or anything else to help you make your case.

1. How did the U.S. change as a result of the Civil War, World War I, World War II, AND the War in Vietnam? Judging from the nation’s experience of war, can you make some generalization regarding the impact of war on a country?

2. Progress is fundamental to the traditional narrative of American history. Considering the history of the U.S. from 1865 to 1980, is that accurate?

3. Discuss the social and political transformation that the country went through during Progressivism, the New Deal, AND the changes associated with the 1960s. Which of these periods of reform ushered in the most profound social and political change?

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