History 232—TuTh 3:10PM - 5:15PM
Spring 2012
Section 002
CRN 30120

Music Building 114
Office: Faculty
Towers 201A
Instructor: Dr. Brett Schmoll
Office Hours: Tues
and Thu 11:35-2:35

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Social Movements: Civil Rights and Black Power

I. Civil Rights:
      A. Enforcing Segregation:
1. Culturally
2. Legal: Plessy v Ferguson (1898)

      B. Fighting Segregation:
            1. NAACP
            2. Brown v. Board of Education (1954)
                  a. The Brown Decision
b. Brown II
                  c. Resisting Justice:
Little Rock Central High School(1957)
                        Orval Faubus
            3. Rosa Parks and the Bus Boycott:
4. The Sit-Ins:
5. Freedom Rides:
6. JFK:
a. Civil Rights Act of 1964
b. Voting Rights Act of 1965
      --Fannie Lou Hammer

II. Non-Violent Revolution is an Oxymoron

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